Veneziano, E. (sous presse). Conversation and voices in the narratives of 5 to 8 years old French-speaking children. Special issue on Language acquisition Bakhtiniana Review.
Veneziano, E., LeNormand, M.T, Plumet, M. H, Elie Deschamps, J. (2020). A short conversational intervention for improving and evaluating narrative skills: A study of 5-to-8 years old French children. First Language, 40, 1-26. DOI: 10.1177/0142723720901614
Veneziano, E. (2019). Les débuts de la grammaire chez le jeune enfant : Combinaison des mots et morphologie grammaticale. Dans S. Kern (Ed.,), Le développement du langage: théorie, clinique, pratique (pp. 61-92). Paris : De Boeck Supérieur.
Veneziano, E., (2019). Conversationally and monologically-produced narratives: A complex story of horizontal décalages. Psychology of Language and Communication, 23 (1), 81-104.
Veneziano, E. & Nicolopoulou, A. (Eds) (2019). Narratives, Literacy and other skills: Studies in intervention. Studies in Narratives Series. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins. 318 pp.
Veneziano, E. & Nicolopoulou, A. (2019). Introduction to narratives, literacy and other skills: Studies in intervention. In Veneziano, E. & Nicolopoulou, A. (Eds), Narratives, Literacy and other skills: Studies in intervention. (pp. 1-18). Studies in Narratives Series Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Studies in Narratives Series. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins
Veneziano, E & Plumet, M.H. (2019). Promoting narratives through a short conversational intervention in typically developing and high-functioning children with ASD. In E. Veneziano & A. Nicolopoulou (Eds), Narratives , Interventions and Literacy: Promoting narrative proficiency and other skills (pp.285-312) Studies in Narratives Series. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins
Veneziano, E. (2018). Learning conversational skills and learning from conversation. In A. Bar-On & D. Ravid (Eds.), Handbook of Communication Disorders: Theoretical, Empirical, and Applied Linguistic Perspectives (pp- 311-328). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
Veneziano, E. & Bartoli, E. (2018). Development of narrative skills in children and their relation to executive functions. Preliminary study. . In V. Rosell-Clari, T. Cervera Crespo, and C. Hernández-Sacristán (Eds.), Language and Executive Functioning: A Multidisciplinary Perspective (pp. 47-76). Tirant Lo Blanch. Valencia. (publiè en espagnol).
Hickman, M. , Veneziano, E. & Jisa, H. (2018). What can variation tell us about first language acquisition? In M. Hickman, E. Veneziano, & H. Jisa, (Eds), Sources of variations in first language acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners (pp- 1-26). TILAR Vol. 22, Amsterdam/The Netherlands: John Benjamins
Veneziano, E. &, Parisse, C. (2018). Retrieving the meaning of words from noun and verb grammatical contexts: Interindividual variation in a comprehension study of 2- to 4-year-old French-acquiring children. In M. Hickman, E. Veneziano, & H. Jisa, H. (Eds), Sources of variations in first language acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners (pp- 81-101). TILAR Vol. 22, Amsterdam/The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Hickman, M., Veneziano, E. & Jisa, H. (Eds). (2018) Sources of variations in first language acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners. TILAR Vol. 22, Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins
Veneziano, E. (2017). Talking about the nonliteral: Internal states and explanations in child-constructed narratives. Psychology of Language and Communication, 21(1), 134-151. DOI: 10.1515/plc-2017-0007
Veneziano, E. (2017). Noun and Verb categories in acquisition: Evidence from fillers and inflectional morphology in French-acquiring children. In Vapnarsky, V. & Veneziano, E. (Eds), Polycategoriality and lexical categories: cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches. Amsterdam,The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Vapnarsky, V. & Veneziano, E. (2017). Lexical Polycategoriality – Cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisitionapproaches: An introduction. In V. Vapnarsky & E. Veneziano (Eds), Polycategoriality and lexical categories: cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches Perspectives (pp- 1-35). Studies in Language Companion Series Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Vapnarsky, V. & Veneziano, E. (Eds). (2017) Polycategoriality and lexical categories: cross-linguistic, cross-theoretical and language acquisition approaches. Studies in Language Companion Series. Amsterdam,The Netherlands: John Benjamins
Veneziano, E. & Clark, E.V. (2016) Early verb constructions in French: adjacency on the left edge. Journal of Child Language, 43, 1193-1230.
Veneziano, E. (2016). The development of narrative discourse in French by 5 to 10 years old children: Some insights from a conversational interaction method. In J. Perera, M. Aparici, E. Rosado, and N. Salas (Eds.), Written and Spoken Language Development across the Lifespan: Essays in Honour of Liliana Tolchinsky (pp. 141-160). Literacy Studies series, Springer Publishers.
Bartoli , E., Veneziano, E. & Smorti, A. (2016). Coherence and mental reference in French-speaking children's narratives: Comparing the effects of two intervention procedures. RIPLA Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, XVI (1), 69-89.
Veneziano, E. (2015). Théories de l’esprit et acquisition du langage chez le jeune enfant. Spirale, 75, 119-136.Numéro coordonné par P. Ben Soussan et M. Latuillière, “Les lieux d’accueil de la petite enfance construisent-ils de nouvelles parentalités ?” .
Veneziano, E. (2015). Compétences pragmatiques, théorie de l’esprit et non linéarité discursive chez l'enfant. Travaux linguistiques du Cerlico, 28, 181-194.
Plumet, M.H. & Veneziano, E. (2014). Typical and Atypical Pragmatic Functioning of ASD Children and Their Partners: A Study of Oppositional Episode in Everyday Interactions. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45 (1), 53-67.
Veneziano, E. (2014). The development of conversational skills. In P. Brooks, V. Kempe, J. G. Golson (eds.), Encyclopedia of Language Development (pp. 108-110). Sage Publications.
Veneziano, E. (2014). Filler syllables and acquisition of grammatical morphemes. In P. Brooks, V. Kempe, J. G. Golson (eds.), Encyclopedia of Language Development (215-216). Sage Publications.
Veneziano, E. (2014). Conversation and language acquisition: Unique properties and effects. I. Arnon, M. Casillas, C. Kurumada, & B. Estigarribia (Eds.), Language in interaction: Studies in honor of Eve V. Clark (pp. 83-100). TILAR, John Benjamins
Veneziano, E. (2014). Interactions langagières, échanges conversationnels et acquisition du langage. Contraste, 39, 31-49.
Plumet, M.H. & Veneziano, E. (2014). Anticipation des réactions et conduites persuasives dans les interactions d’enfants typiques ou avec autisme : le cas des épisodes d’opposition. In E. Sieroff, E. Drozda-Senkowska, A-M Ergis & S. Moutier (Eds). Psycologie de l’anticipation. (pp. 193-213) Armand Colin/Recherches
Veneziano, E. (2013). A cognitive-pragmatic model for the change from single-word to articulate speech: A constructivist approach. Journal of Pragmatics, 133-150.
LeNormand, M. T., Veneziano, E., Scripzac , & Testagrossa, F. (2011). Conduites narratives et Theorie de l’esprit chez des enfants dysphasiques.: Les effets de deux méthodes d’intervention. Approche Neuropsychologique des Apprentissages chez l'Enfant A.N.A.E. 112-113, 214-221.
Veneziano, E. (Guest Editor) (2010). Special issue on Conversation in language development and use. First Language, 30 (3-4), pp. 241-534.
Veneziano, E. & Parisse, C. (2010). The acquisition of early verbs in French: Assessing the role of conversation and of child-directed speech. First Language, 30 (3-4).
Veneziano, E. (2010) Justifications and their effects in early adult-child interaction: Developmental trends and individual differences. In R. Zukauskiene (Ed.), Proceedings of the XIV European Conference on Developmental Psychology (pp. 153-160). Pianoro, Italy: Medimond.
Veneziano, E. (2010). Utilisations de langage et développement de la capacité à maîtriser plusieurs points de vue chez l’enfant. In A. Berthoz, C. Ossola et B. Stock (sous la direction de), La pluralité interprétative : Fondements historiques et cognitifs de la notion de point de vue (pp. 161-174). Paris : Collège de France Collection : Les conférences du Collège de France.
Veneziano, E. (2010). Peut-on aider l’enfant à mieux raconter ? Les effets de différentes méthodes d’intervention. In H. Makdissi, A. Boisclair & P. Sirois (Eds.), La littératie au préscolaire : une fenêtre ouverte sur la scolarisation. (pp. 107-144). Québec : Presses Universitaires du Quebec.Veneziano, E. (2010). Interaction, langage et théorie de l'esprit : liens inhérents et développementaux. In J. Bernicot, E. Veneziano, M. Musiol & A. Bert-Erboul, (Eds.), Interactions verbales et acquisition du langage (pp. 89-118). Paris : L'Harmattan.
LeNormand, M. T., Veneziano, E., Scripzac A., & Testagrossa, F. (2011). Conduites narratives et Theorie de l’esprit chez des enfants dysphasiques.: Les effets de deux méthodes d’intervention. A.N.A.E. 112-113, 214-221.
Veneziano, E. , Albert, L. & Martin, S. (2009). Learning to tell a story of false belief : A study of French-speaking children. InJ. Guo, E. Lieven,N. Budwig, S. Ervin-Tripp, K Nakamura & S. Özçaliskan (Eds), Crosslinguistic approaches to the psychology of language: Research in the tradition of Dan Isaac Slobin (pp. 277-289). New York, NY: Psychology Press.
Veneziano, E. & Hudelot, C. (2009). Explaining events in narratives: the impact of scaffolding in 4 to 12 old-year children. Psychology of Language and Communication, 13, 3-20.
Veneziano, E. (2009). Language and internal states: A long developmental history at different levels of functioning. Rivista di Psicolinguistica applicata /Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, IX (3), 9-27.
Veneziano, E. & Plumet, M.H. (2009). La négociation dans les interactions conflictuelles : Une contribution à l'évaluation différentielle d'enfants autistiques de "haut niveau". Enfance, 1/2009, 143-156.
Hudelot, C. Salazar Orvig, A. &.Veneziano, E (Eds). (2008). L'explication: enjeux cognitifs et communicationnel. Paris : Peeters. 268p.
Veneziano, E (2005). Effects of conversational functioning on early language acquisition: When both caregivers and children matter. In B. Bokus (Ed.), Studies in the psychology of child language. Essays in honor of Grace Wales Shugar. (pp. 47-69). Warsaw: Matrix.
Veneziano, E. (2004). The emergence of expressive options in early child language : a constructivist account. In D. Ravid & H. Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot (Eds), Perspectives on language and language development: Essays in honor of Ruth A. Berman (pp. 203-218). Dordrecht : Springer. V
eneziano, E., Plumet, M.H., Cupello, S. & C. Tardif (2004). Pragmatic functioning in natural setting and the emergence of ‘theory-of-mind’ in autistic and control children: A comparative study. Psychology of Language and Communication, 8 (1), 25-42.
Veneziano, E. (2003). The emergence of noun and verb categories in the acquisition of French. Psychology of Language and Communication, 7 (1), 23-36.
Veneziano, E. (2002). Relations entre jeu de fiction et langage avant trois ans: de l'émergence de la fonction sémiotique à celle de la "théorie de l'esprit" en action. Enfance, 54, 241-257 .
Veneziano, E. (2002). Language in pretense during the second year: What it can tell us about “pretending” in pretense and the “know-how” about the mind. In R. Mitchell (Ed.) Pretense in animals and children (pp.58-72). Cambridge, UK : CUP.
Veneziano, E. (2001). Interactional processes in the origins of the explaining capacity. In K. Nelson, A. Aksu-Koc and C. Johnson (Eds.), Children’s Language, Vol. 10: Developing Narrative and Discourse competence (pp. 113-141). Mahwah, N.J.: L. Erlbaum.
Veneziano, E. (2001). The importance of studying filler-producing children. Journal of Child Language, 28, 275-278.
Veneziano, E. (2001). A System-Approach to the Analysis of “Fillers” at the Transition to Grammar. Dans Almgrem, M., Barreqa, A., Ezeizabarrena, M.-J., Idiazabal, I. & MacWhinney, B. (Eds), Research on child language acquisition (pp. 739-760). Sommerville, MA.: Cascadilla Press.
Veneziano, E. (2001). Displacement and informativeness inchild-directed talk. First Language, 21, 323-356.
Veneziano, E & Sinclair, H. (2000). The changing status of “filler syllables” on the way to grammatical morphemes. Journal of Child Language, 27, 1-40.
Veneziano, E. (2000). Interaction, conversation et acquisition du langage dans les trois premières années. Dans M. Kail & M. Fayol (eds.), L’acquisition du langage, Vol. 1, L’émergence du langage. Collection Psychologie et Sciences de la pensée. Paris : P.U.F. pp. 231-265.
Veneziano, E. (1999). Early lexical, morphological and syntactic development in French : Some complex relations. International Journal of Bilingualism, 3 (2), 183-217.
Veneziano, E. (Ed.) (1998). La conversation : instrument, objet et source de connaissance : Etudes développementales. Psychologie de l’Interaction, 7-8.
Veneziano, E. & Sinclair, H. (1997). From the surface inward: a discontinuous continuity in the emergence of grammatical morphology. Archives de Psychologie, 65, 107-116.
Veneziano, E. & Sinclair, H. (1995) Functional changes in early child language : the appearance of references to the past and of explanations.
Veneziano, E., Sinclair, H. & Berthoud, I. (1990). From one word to two words: repetition patterns on the way to structured speech. Journal of Child Language, 17, 633-650.
Berthoud, I. & Veneziano, E. (1989). La signification énonciative dans les débuts du langage. Archives de Psychologie, 57, 271-281.
Veneziano, E. (1988). Vocal-verbal interaction and the construction of early lexical knowledge. Dans M. D. Smith & J. L. Locke (Eds.) The emergent lexicon : The child's development of a linguistic vocabulary. (pp.109-147). New York: Academic Press.
Veneziano, E. (1985). Replying to mothers' questions: A way to lexical acquisition. Journal of Pragmatics, 9, 433-452.
Sinclair, H., Berthoud-Papandropoulou, I., Gérard, J. & Veneziano, E. (1985). Constructivisme et psycholinguistique génétique. Archives de Psychologie, 53, 37-60.
Veneziano, E. (1981) . Early language and nonverbal development: A reassessment. Journal of Child Language, 8, 541-563.
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